[Django] Django development notes (2) Templates
The views.py file in the app’s folder is where to control what the views look like. It works fine in a simple project.
However, try to imagine that when you are developing a huge project, there might be a lot of views needed to be handled. Then, using templates will make your life easier.
Create template
In the FirstApp folder, add a new directory named ‘templates’, and add a new HTML file name ‘hello’ (or whatever you like), which is the template we created.
Then edit what you like in the HTML file. Mine is like this:
Then revise the code in views.py by replacing the
def saysth(request):
return HttpResponse('Hello world!')
def saysth(request):
return render(request, 'hello.html')
Then, click on the play button, and go to the link provided.
Render is the function we used above to access the template. The entire code is shown below.
from django.shortcuts import render
def saysth(request):
return render(request, 'hello.html')
Hover on the ‘render’, the shortcuts will appear. As we can see, function render can take several parameters, the first two are required. Thus, right after the request, we put the template’s name to access the template in the views.py.